The aim is to foster an enabling environment in society at large, embracing gender equality, personal autonomy, recognition of the richness of gender diversity, understanding and affirmation of the effective equality of women’s and men’s rights, while encouraging the resolution of gender conflicts.
“Production of new and innovative ICT tools as a means of developing quality coexistence and promoting equality among young secondary school students.”
Women’s traditional role of caring for family members and their role in social reproduction limits the time they can devote to paid work and puts them at a disadvantage compared to men. Moreover, new studies carried out in this field show that new male-female roles are emerging among young people, which leads to new forms of gender-based violence, through other means such as communication tools (Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter…): controlling their use of the telephone, controlling their social relationships, etc.
An immediate consequence of this reality is the need to articulate policies, measures and concrete actions that facilitate the transformation and change of the values that are still transmitted through the agents of socialisation. Against this background, which is common throughout Europe, although particularly strong in some countries, promoting gender equality concerns all European countries.
Main objectives to be achieved
During the implementation of the project two main products will be created, the first one will consist in the creation of a multimedia manual and the second one will be a video game.
In order to tackle the problems arising from inequality between men and women, this consortium, constituted with different social agents and representing different European realities, has decided to work together on the following results:
- Production of new and innovative ICT tools for the development of quality coexistence and the promotion of equality in the future life of young secondary school students.
- They will have access to multimedia tools that will enable them to reach the current values of society at an early stage when they are not yet fixed in their behaviour. Although the main target group is secondary school students, the project is expected to have a medium and long-term impact on society in general, as it will contribute to prevent different types of gender-based violence, victimisation and bullying at the root, helping to eliminate the behaviours and attitudes that give rise to them.
The importance of developing this project at transnational level lies in the relevance of creating general values and a global understanding of gender equality in all countries and sharing the different realities and good practices already realised between different European countries and cultures. Students between 14 and 16 years old are the main target group, but also teachers when they are confronted with the education of pupils in cross-curricular subjects.
Partner institutions and companies
- Budapesti gépészeti szc öveges józsef szakgimnáziuma és szakközépiskolája – Budapest, Hungary /
- Dublin City University – Dublin, Ireland /
- Akdeniz University – Antalya, Turkey /
- Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra – Galicia, Spain /
- Colegiul National Fratii Buzesti – Craiova, Romania /
- Project Management Association – Craiova, Romania
promas.html - Atenea Projects Lda. Galicia – Portugal /