
Associated Mobilities

Concerning mobility projects with third countries, this centre has been sending students and teachers to countries like the U.S.A., China or India for the past 9 years, availing of scholarships organised by the Galician regional government (Xunta de Galicia). The recent development of the Erasmus+ mobility programmes has motivated the resumption of collaborations, benefiting from the KA107 actions for partner countries. The objective of this centre, as well as of other centres from programme countries, is not only to create a close collaboration relationship internally but also to reach out to other territories beyond the scope of the programme. The present project will encourage mobility plans for students and staff with countries which are not associated to the Erasmus+ programme.

EU Mobilities

The Erasmus+ 2014/2020 programme presents the KA103 framework, aiming to encourage the mobility of students within any of the countries participating in the programme. The objective is to facilitate the opportunity of either training or completing an internship in higher education institutions, research institutes or companies. The participating countries are:

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Turkey.

We consider international mobility as a key point for the personal and professional development of students and staff dedicated to training.

The IES Ribeira do Louro has implemented a strategy of presence in European projects since 1996, the year in which it began its commitment to the internationalization of the center. Through these mobilities of learners and staff, opportunities will be created for students, as well as university professors or professors at other levels of higher education, trainers, staff of educational institutions and civil society organizations to undertake a learning experience or professional in another country, helping the target group to improve their skills and employment prospects.

Erasmus+ aims to modernize and improve Higher Education in Europe and the rest of the world. It offers multiple opportunities to students of Higher Level Training Cycles, university students, doctoral students, professors and institutions around the world.

Interest information

Visa information

If you are a student of non-EU citizenship, you may need to apply for a visa to stay in the country of destination during your study / internship mobility. To manage this documentation you must go to the Embassy or Consulates of the corresponding country. Maybe you need documentation from the reception organization (Letter of Acceptance), which will be provided by the institution.

For more information, you can check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation:


The participant shall have adequate insurance coverage. The participant is responsible to take the necessary provisions to be covered by a complete insurance policy during its placement, which will be paid by the participant. This insurance must cover health diseases, accidents and civil responsibility for a minimum of Euro 30,000,00. (EURO THIRTY THOUSAND). Repatriation and medical intervention must be included.
Acknowledgement that health insurance coverage has been organised shall be included in this agreement. A copy of the named in the previous paragraph health insurance policy must be made available for the receiving organization prior to the mobility.