The EDUCO2CEAN project aims to generate a Scientific-Technological Society (STS) that serves as a pedagogical model with the potential to be applied throughout the European Union and transmit to society the importance of research on the impacts and mitigation of climate change in the sea, with special emphasis on the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea. Website


The EDUCO2CEAN project aims to generate a pedagogical model Science-Technology-Society (CTS), with a potential to be applied throughout the EU, and that allows to transmit to society the importance of research on the impacts and mitigation of climate change in the sea, with special emphasis on the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea.

The project proposes the development of key competencies necessary for the promotion of creativity in the communication necessary to raise awareness in society about the relevance of research in the face of climate change and in favour of the sustainability of the oceans; and for the impulse of the entrepreneurial scientific spirit necessary for the transfer to society of the relevance of this knowledge. To achieve this, it focuses on the involvement and participation of students in initiatives aimed at the creation of ideas, communication aimed at environmental awareness. It is thus assumed that these academic youth challenges will generate concerns and basic knowledge that in the future will increase the employment opportunities of the participants in the field of finding solutions for global change in the oceans.

The conjunction and comparative analysis of the challenges of climate change and sustainability in the Baltic and the Atlantic will also generate opportunities to advance the evolution of the European dimension of education. That is why educational and scientific communities of the Atlantic and the Baltic will collaborate in generating a CTS educational model that allows comparative analysis of the environmental impact of the two oceans caused by overfishing, pollution, the increase in sea temperature, the presence of hazardous materials and other environmental risks.

In this sense, the project is linked to the objectives of Horizon 2020, as it works on the social challenges facing the EU, promotes the leadership of the industry in Europe linked to the Baltic and Atlantic oceans and gives answers to the climate change and pollution of the two oceans. Because of the relevance of these responses for Europe, it is strategic that from these CTS areas a basic training is provided to young people that will encourage them to continue training to become better European professionals in the future in the areas related to these challenges. It also reinforces the excellence of its scientific base, given that with this project many students will collaborate with professional research teams and act as communicators and sensitizers on the relevance of this challenge, thus putting into practice the principles that nothing is learned better than investigating and that the one who teaches learns twice.

In short, EDUCO2OCEAN’s commitment to leadership, scientific work in professional teams, communication skills and rigorous scientific training will allow them to learn more, better and more deeply, arriving in 2020 in better conditions and with better opportunities to work in a knowledge society that will stimulate a more competitive and environmentally friendly European economy.



• Develop a global school textbook, applicable in any European education system. This textbook will be offered for free use in all EU education systems, in both pdf and e-book formats, and will be translated into the languages of the participating countries. Its structure will be interdisciplinary and its content will include current scientific knowledge related to climate change in the ocean.• Edit an electronic journal in which all students, teachers and scientists involved in the project could participate.
With this publication, the educative – scientific community EduCO2cean will be involved in keeping European society informed about the relevance of relevant research related to the genesis of responses to climate change and in favour of ocean sustainability.
• Develop a collaborative model in the pedagogical framework Science-Technology-Society (CTS), through the use of a website that could allow the educational communities of partner countries to collaborate to generate, evaluate and improve pedagogical ideas, experiences and educational initiatives related to the project.
• Develop a collaborative model in the pedagogical framework Science-Technology-Society (CTS), through the use of a website that could allow the educational communities of partner countries to collaborate to generate, evaluate and improve pedagogical ideas, experiences and educational initiatives related to the project.
• Organize international virtual youth congresses on products with the potential to raise social awareness of the need to fight against climate change and other ocean sustainability challenges.
• Develop international youth campuses in which students from different countries participate, who stood out for the quality of the social awareness products published on the virtual youth congress portal.
• Promote international teaching seminars on action research on the development of international youth campuses in which the teachers who guided the youth research projects will participate, who will accompany their selected students to the venue of the campus, to investigate in situ about the new ways of teaching and learning that demand the global environmental challenges relevant to 21st century Europe.
• Develop a collaborative model in the pedagogical framework Science-Technology-Society (CTS), through the use of a website that could allow the educational communities of partner countries to collaborate to generate, evaluate and improve pedagogical ideas, experiences and educational initiatives related to the project.

  • Organize international virtual youth congresses on products with the potential to raise social awareness of the need to fight against climate change and other ocean sustainability challenges.
  • To develop international youth campuses in which students from different countries participate, who stood out for the quality of the social awareness products published in the portal of the virtual youth congress.
  • Promote international teaching seminars on action research on the development of international youth campuses in which the teachers who guided the youth research projects will participate, who will accompany their selected students to the venue of the campus, to investigate in situ the new forms of teaching and learning that demands the global environmental challenges relevant to 21st century Europe.
  • Design seminars and teacher training workshops to disseminate to new educational communities, the successful pilot experiences that arise during the development of the project, which will also be strengthened through their analysis in these contexts of practical teacher training.
  • Producing videos that allow the development in the school communities of the new scientific contents resulting from the latest research in the project scope and others destined to disseminate good educational practices and methodological models resulting from the development of the project.
  • Disseminate, through the web page, the scientific contents collected in the textbook, so that people of different ages can know more about these contents.
  • Design simple and practical demonstrations so that they can be used by students to communicate and raise awareness in society about the importance of scientific research related to the project developed in order to fight against climate change and deal with other problems related to the oceans sustainability
  • Provide students with the key scientific skills to be useful in research areas related to the sustainability of the oceans developed by professional scientific teams that can be addressed from their psycho-evolutive maturity and level of curricular competence.
  • Train students in the key competencies needed to design and develop multimedia materials for citizen awareness about the need to research to face climate change and the sustainability of the oceans.